Weeping Willow
From: Sopio Horror Booster
When an opponent plays a card that affects points piles, you may discard this card from your points pile to stop it affecting you
Rule clarification:
This card does not cancel an effect, if stops you being affected by it.
If played to stop the effect of Moral Compass, everyone else swaps points piles and you keep yours.
If played to stop the effect of Reboot, everyone except you discards their points piles.
A card that affects point values but not piles, such as Everyone's A Winner, cannot be stopped by this card.
The Deck 2 cards that affect your points pile for the purposes of this card are:
V Card, Sticktapus, Insect Jeff, Element: Electric, Moral Compass, Reboot, Skiing Snowman, Grumpy, Doc, Bashful, Sneezy and Exorcise.
This card does not cancel an effect, if stops you being affected by it.
If played to stop the effect of Moral Compass, everyone else swaps points piles and you keep yours.
If played to stop the effect of Reboot, everyone except you discards their points piles.
A card that affects point values but not piles, such as Everyone's A Winner, cannot be stopped by this card.
The Deck 2 cards that affect your points pile for the purposes of this card are:
V Card, Sticktapus, Insect Jeff, Element: Electric, Moral Compass, Reboot, Skiing Snowman, Grumpy, Doc, Bashful, Sneezy and Exorcise.