![Henchman - Sopio Deck 1](/img/sopio/deck-1/henchman.png)
From: Sopio Deck 1
When an opponent starts their turn, you can activate this card from your hand: choose what card your opponent plays and on who
Rule clarification:
You take control of the opponent's turn from start to end, making as many decisions as necessary.
For example, if you force the opponent to play Party Mode on himself, you continue to choose how each subsequent card is played.
As the target of Henchman, you cannot do anything until the turn has ended. For example, you may not play Divine Intervention from your hand while an opponent is in control.
You take control of the opponent's turn from start to end, making as many decisions as necessary.
For example, if you force the opponent to play Party Mode on himself, you continue to choose how each subsequent card is played.
As the target of Henchman, you cannot do anything until the turn has ended. For example, you may not play Divine Intervention from your hand while an opponent is in control.