Grave Robber
From: Sopio Horror Booster
Take the top two cards of the discard pile: play them or add them to your hand
Rule clarification:
Play both cards or add both to your hand. You cannot play one and add the other to your hand.
You can choose to play the cards in either order.
This can be treated as it you draw 2 cards from the discard pile, but then may only play those cards. In effect, you have a separate Grave Robber hand in addition to your "main" hand. Effects that draw cards add cards to your "main" hand. Effects that require you to play or discard cards from your hand can only target your "main" hand and may not affect the 2 cards being played as a result of Grave Robber.
Play both cards or add both to your hand. You cannot play one and add the other to your hand.
You can choose to play the cards in either order.
This can be treated as it you draw 2 cards from the discard pile, but then may only play those cards. In effect, you have a separate Grave Robber hand in addition to your "main" hand. Effects that draw cards add cards to your "main" hand. Effects that require you to play or discard cards from your hand can only target your "main" hand and may not affect the 2 cards being played as a result of Grave Robber.